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About CSD

Our Award-Winning Dance School

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Here at Carnaby School of Dance, we pride ourselves on creating a fun, caring and nurturing environment alongside an atmosphere that encourages achievement. Founded by Laura Carnaby, CSD is validated by the Council for Dance, Drama & Musical Theatre and our students study for RAD and ISTD Dance Examinations. 


To us, every single student is important and we are proud of the happy and caring environment that we create:


“Julia always leaves CSD smiling. She can’t wait to get there and she hates to leave.”

- Julia, a student for over ten years


Our motto is: “We care for your children as if they were our own, expertly imbuing our dance knowledge through age-appropriate, imaginative and stimulating teaching methodologies and delivering the best dance examination syllabi in the world.” 


Our aim is to keep children dancing with us on a long-term basis, always in a nurturing and caring environment. We offer Ballet, Tap and Jazz to children and adults, alongside regular workshops, trips and much more! 

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Expert Dance Tuition

Established in 2010 by Laura Carnaby who saw a lack of provision for good quality dance training in Oldham and the surrounding areas, Carnaby School of Dance is unique in providing a programme designed to give clear progression for boys and girls aged from 18+ months, through to adulthood and beyond. 


Finding a good dance teacher can take some time, but it is worth the effort. In the end, whether you are looking for yourself or for your child, you will benefit from selecting a teacher who is qualified, safe and reliable. The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) Registered Teacher marks, assure you of just that. We therefore pride ourselves on all of our teaching team being either an RAD and/or ISTD Registered Teacher and in possession of an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). 

Throughout the academic year, we offer an array of opportunities to perform, visit the theatre to watch live dance performances and/or dance in the wider community as part of our annual Show and in-house Christmas Production, alongside our ever-popular Summer Schools. 


We love that we are a local, community-based dance School, providing a caring and welcoming haven for

students old and new. 


Fancy ‘having a go’ without committing to half-termly classes?


We offer a free taster class for all of our classes, and a three-week Prince/Princess Debut for our

Princess Ballerina Pre-Schoolers within our Baby Ballet & Tiny Tap Classes


Please feel free to get in touch via any of the means listed on our Contact Page and we very much look forward to welcoming you in to our Carnaby School of Dance family! 


Miss Laura & the CSD Team x

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About Miss Laura

Miss Laura trained at the Royal Academy of Dance, gaining her BA (Hons) Ballet Education, Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and Distinction in all her teaching examinations, later majoring in Education (Dance) at Masters Level alongside gaining her Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching. Since graduating, Miss Laura has worked for some of the UK’s leading Dance Companies, Schools and Studios, is an Examiner, Tutor and Guest Lecturer for the British Ballet Organisation (bbodance), an FE and HE Dance, Musical Theatre and Performing Arts Lecturer, Lead Tutor for the Level 3 Dance Teaching Assistant Qualification, and is involved in the RAD’s Teacher Training Programme. Most recently, Miss Laura has been invited to be part of the review panel for bbodance’s Graded Ballet Syllabi throughout 2024 and 2025.

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